(*) denotes equal contribution
- arXivTensor Decomposition Meets RKHS: Efficient Algorithms for Smooth and Misaligned DataBrett W. Larsen, Tamara G. Kolda, Anru R. Zhang, and Alex H. WilliamsarXiv preprint arXiv:2408.05677, 2024
The canonical polyadic (CP) tensor decomposition decomposes a multidimensional data array into a sum of outer products of finite-dimensional vectors. Instead, we can replace some or all of the vectors with continuous functions (infinite-dimensional vectors) from a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We refer to tensors with some infinite-dimensional modes as quasitensors, and the approach of decomposing a tensor with some continuous RKHS modes is referred to as CP-HiFi (hybrid infinite and finite dimensional) tensor decomposition. An advantage of CP-HiFi is that it can enforce smoothness in the infinite dimensional modes. Further, CP-HiFi does not require the observed data to lie on a regular and finite rectangular grid and naturally incorporates misaligned data. We detail the methodology and illustrate it on a synthetic example.
- COLMDoes your data spark joy? Performance gains from domain upsampling at the end of training.Cody Blakeney*, Mansheej Paul*, Brett W. Larsen*, Sean Owen, and Jonathan FrankleConference on Language Modeling (COLM), 2024
Pretraining datasets for large language models (LLMs) have grown to trillions of tokens composed of large amounts of CommonCrawl (CC) web scrape along with smaller, domain-specific datasets. It is expensive to understand the impact of these domain-specific datasets on model capabilities as training at large FLOP scales is required to reveal significant changes to difficult and emergent benchmarks. Given the increasing cost of experimenting with pretraining data, how does one determine the optimal balance between the diversity in general web scrapes and the information density of domain specific data? In this work, we show how to leverage the smaller domain specific datasets by upsampling them relative to CC at the end of training to drive performance improvements on difficult benchmarks. This simple technique allows us to improve up to 6.90 pp on MMLU, 8.26 pp on GSM8K, and 6.17 pp on HumanEval relative to the base data mix for a 7B model trained for 1 trillion (T) tokens, thus rivaling Llama-2 (7B)—a model trained for twice as long. We experiment with ablating the duration of domain upsampling from 5% to 30% of training and find that 10% to 20% percent is optimal for navigating the tradeoff between general language modeling capabilities and targeted benchmarks. We also use domain upsampling to characterize at scale the utility of individual datasets for improving various benchmarks by removing them during this final phase of training. This tool opens up the ability to experiment with the impact of different pretraining datasets at scale, but at an order of magnitude lower cost compared to full pretraining runs.
- ICLREstimating Shape Distances on Neural Representations with Limited SamplesDean A. Psopisil, Brett W. Larsen, Sarah E. Harvey, and Alex H. WilliamsInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024Poster presentation at COSYNE 2024.
A variety of recent works, spanning pruning, lottery tickets, and training within random subspaces, have shown that deep neural networks can be trained using far fewer degrees of freedom than the total number of parameters. We analyze this phenomenon for random subspaces by first examining the success probability of hitting a training loss sublevel set when training within a random subspace of a given training dimensionality. We find a sharp phase transition in the success probability from 0 to 1 as the training dimension surpasses a threshold. This threshold training dimension increases as the desired final loss decreases, but decreases as the initial loss decreases. We then theoretically explain the origin of this phase transition, and its dependence on initialization and final desired loss, in terms of properties of the high-dimensional geometry of the loss landscape. In particular, we show via Gordon’s escape theorem, that the training dimension plus the Gaussian width of the desired loss sublevel set, projected onto a unit sphere surrounding the initialization, must exceed the total number of parameters for the success probability to be large. In several architectures and datasets, we measure the threshold training dimension as a function of initialization and demonstrate that it is a small fraction of the total parameters, implying by our theory that successful training with so few dimensions is possible precisely because the Gaussian width of low loss sublevel sets is very large. Moreover, we compare this threshold training dimension to more sophisticated ways of reducing training degrees of freedom, including lottery tickets as well as a new, analogous method: lottery subspaces.
- UniRepsDuality of Bures and Shape Distances with Implications for Comparing Neural Representations.Sarah E. Harvey, Brett W. Larsen, and Alex H. WilliamsProceedings of the 1st Workshop on Unifying Representations in Neural Models (UniReps),, 2023Best Proceedings Paper Honorable Mention
A multitude of (dis)similarity measures between neural network representations have been proposed, resulting in a fragmented research landscape. Most of these measures fall into one of two categories. First, measures such as linear regression, canonical correlations analysis (CCA), and shape distances, all learn explicit mappings between neural units to quantify similarity while accounting for expected invariances. Second, measures such as representational similarity analysis (RSA), centered kernel alignment (CKA), and normalized Bures similarity (NBS) all quantify similarity in summary statistics, such as stimulus-by-stimulus kernel matrices, which are already invariant to expected symmetries. Here, we take steps towards unifying these two broad categories of methods by observing that the cosine of the Riemannian shape distance (from category 1) is equal to NBS (from category 2). We explore how this connection leads to new interpretations of shape distances and NBS, and draw contrasts of these measures with CKA, a popular similarity measure in the deep learning literature.
- ICLRUnmasking the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: What’s Encoded in a Winning Ticket’s Mask?Mansheej Paul*, Feng Chen*, Brett W. Larsen*, Jonathan Frankle, Surya Ganguli, and Gintare Karolina DziugaiteInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023Notable Top 25% (Spotlight).
Modern deep learning involves training costly, highly overparameterized networks, thus motivating the search for sparser networks that can still be trained to the same accuracy as the full network (i.e. matching). Iterative magnitude pruning (IMP) is a state of the art algorithm that can find such highly sparse matching subnetworks, known as winning tickets. IMP operates by iterative cycles of training, masking smallest magnitude weights, rewinding back to an early training point, and repeating. Despite its simplicity, the underlying principles for when and how IMP finds winning tickets remain elusive. In particular, what useful information does an IMP mask found at the end of training convey to a rewound network near the beginning of training? How does SGD allow the network to extract this information? And why is iterative pruning needed? We develop answers in terms of the geometry of the error landscape. First, we find that—at higher sparsities—pairs of pruned networks at successive pruning iterations are connected by a linear path with zero error barrier if and only if they are matching. This indicates that masks found at the end of training convey the identity of an axial subspace that intersects a desired linearly connected mode of a matching sublevel set. Second, we show SGD can exploit this information due to a strong form of robustness: it can return to this mode despite strong perturbations early in training. Third, we show how the flatness of the error landscape at the end of training determines a limit on the fraction of weights that can be pruned at each iteration of IMP. Finally, we show that the role of retraining in IMP is to find a network with new small weights to prune. Overall, these results make progress toward demystifying the existence of winning tickets by revealing the fundamental role of error landscape geometry.
- NeurIPSLottery Tickets on a Data Diet: Finding Initializations with Sparse Trainable Networks36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022Spotlight presentation at the Sparsity in Neural Networks (SNN) Workshop 2022.
A striking observation about iterative magnitude pruning (IMP; Frankle et al. 2020) is that — after just a few hundred steps of dense training — the method can find a sparse sub-network that can be trained to the same accuracy as the dense network. However, the same does not hold at step 0, i.e. random initialization. In this work, we seek to understand how this early phase of pre-training leads to a good initialization for IMP both through the lens of the data distribution and the loss landscape geometry. Empirically we observe that, holding the number of pre-training iterations constant, training on a small fraction of (randomly chosen) data suffices to obtain an equally good initialization for IMP. We additionally observe that by pre-training only on "easy" training data, we can decrease the number of steps necessary to find a good initialization for IMP compared to training on the full dataset or a randomly chosen subset. Finally, we identify novel properties of the loss landscape of dense networks that are predictive of IMP performance, showing in particular that more examples being linearly mode connected in the dense network correlates well with good initializations for IMP. Combined, these results provide new insight into the role played by the early phase training in IMP.
- SIMAXPractical leverage-based sampling for low-rank tensor decompositionBrett W. Larsen, and Tamara G. KoldaSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), 2022
The low-rank canonical polyadic tensor decomposition is useful in data analysis and can be computed by solving a sequence of overdetermined least squares subproblems. Motivated by consideration of sparse tensors, we propose sketching each subproblem using leverage scores to select a subset of the rows, with probabilistic guarantees on the solution accuracy. We randomly sample rows proportional to leverage score upper bounds that can be efficiently computed using the special Khatri-Rao subproblem structure inherent in tensor decomposition. Crucially, for a \((d+1)\)-way tensor, the number of rows in the sketched system is \(O(r^d/ε)\)for a decomposition of rank \(r\)and \(ε\)-accuracy in the least squares solve, independent of both the size and the number of nonzeros in the tensor. Along the way, we provide a practical solution to the generic matrix sketching problem of sampling overabundance for high-leverage-score rows, proposing to include such rows deterministically and combine repeated samples in the sketched system; we conjecture that this can lead to improved theoretical bounds. Numerical results on real-world large-scale tensors show the method is significantly faster than deterministic methods at nearly the same level of accuracy.
- PLOS Comp BioTowards a more general understanding of the algorithmic utility of recurrent connectionsBrett W. Larsen, and Shaul DruckmannPLOS Computational Biology, 2022Poster presentation at COSYNE 2019.
Lateral and recurrent connections are ubiquitous in biological neural circuits. Yet while the strong computational abilities of feedforward networks have been extensively studied, our understanding of the role and advantages of recurrent computations that might explain their prevalence remains an important open challenge. Foundational studies by Minsky and Roelfsema argued that computations that require propagation of global information for local computation to take place would particularly benefit from the sequential, parallel nature of processing in recurrent networks. Such “tag propagation” algorithms perform repeated, local propagation of information and were originally introduced in the context of detecting connectedness, a task that is challenging for feedforward networks. Here, we advance the understanding of the utility of lateral and recurrent computation by first performing a large-scale empirical study of neural architectures for the computation of connectedness to explore feedforward solutions more fully and establish robustly the importance of recurrent architectures. In addition, we highlight a tradeoff between computation time and performance and construct hybrid feedforward/recurrent models that perform well even in the presence of varying computational time limitations. We then generalize tag propagation architectures to propagating multiple interacting tags and demonstrate that these are efficient computational substrates for more general computations of connectedness by introducing and solving an abstracted biologically inspired decision-making task. Our work thus clarifies and expands the set of computational tasks that can be solved efficiently by recurrent computation, yielding hypotheses for structure in population activity that may be present in such tasks.
- ICLRHow many degrees of freedom do we need to train deep networks: a loss landscape perspectiveBrett W. Larsen, Stanislav Fort, Nic Becker, and Surya GanguliInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022
A variety of recent works, spanning pruning, lottery tickets, and training within random subspaces, have shown that deep neural networks can be trained using far fewer degrees of freedom than the total number of parameters. We analyze this phenomenon for random subspaces by first examining the success probability of hitting a training loss sublevel set when training within a random subspace of a given training dimensionality. We find a sharp phase transition in the success probability from 0 to 1 as the training dimension surpasses a threshold. This threshold training dimension increases as the desired final loss decreases, but decreases as the initial loss decreases. We then theoretically explain the origin of this phase transition, and its dependence on initialization and final desired loss, in terms of properties of the high-dimensional geometry of the loss landscape. In particular, we show via Gordon’s escape theorem, that the training dimension plus the Gaussian width of the desired loss sublevel set, projected onto a unit sphere surrounding the initialization, must exceed the total number of parameters for the success probability to be large. In several architectures and datasets, we measure the threshold training dimension as a function of initialization and demonstrate that it is a small fraction of the total parameters, implying by our theory that successful training with so few dimensions is possible precisely because the Gaussian width of low loss sublevel sets is very large. Moreover, we compare this threshold training dimension to more sophisticated ways of reducing training degrees of freedom, including lottery tickets as well as a new, analogous method: lottery subspaces.